Blackout at hypersex

4 - 5 October, 2017
MAAT (The Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology)

Curated by Jose Albuquerque 

Gonçalo Duarte, Lord Mantraste, Sonja, Germes Gang, Oscar Rana, Sollidha, Simão Simões, Rita matos, Francisco Ferreira and Rudolfo, Bruno Ferreira, João Pedro Vale and Nuno Alexandre Ferreira, Carolina Pimenta, among many others...

Blackout is an installation part of the group show & event HYPERSEX created to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of the MAAT (The Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology). The installation was conceived as an alternative way of experiencing a work of art. 

Visitors were invited to behave in ways in which they aren’t normally allowed in a museum: the works could be touched, moved, handled and even ‘stolen’. The installation was part of an exhibition based around the club culture experience, where people were encouraged to interact in a different manner albeit within the traditional confined and restricted ‘white box’. By encouraging acts of rebellion the tone was set for an amusing exercise of observing to what lengths the viewer would push the boundaries to act within the alternative ‘rules’.

On October 4th Moullinex will release his third album HYPERSEX in a unique event that will merge the declaration of collective love for Club Culture with the 1st anniversary of the latest ex-libris of the city of Lisbon, the MAAT - Museu de Arte, Architecture and technology. 

HYPERSEX @ MAAT will be a temporary autonomous zone containing both entities. The party kicks off with a Moullinex show that will present the new work firsthand. Ghetthoven will dress the skin of various characters as they intersect Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality technology with the story of the dance floor, accompanied by João Pedro Vale and Nuno Alexandre Ferreira with their glittering phoenix cannons operated by Aurora Pine confetti during a ten hour DJ set marathon on a totally secret poster. 

Braulio Amado, one of the most prolific and internationalised national designers, is responsible for the visual form of HYPERSEX, tracing the aesthetic narrative of this modus-operandi HYPERSEX, which besides being musical is "obvious and stupidly visual". 

This promiscuity idea created on the dance floor also materializes in a fanzine, as collaborative and diverse as the album and featuring heavyweights of illustration and graphic design like Gonçalo Duarte, Lord Mantraste, Sonja, Germes Gang, Oscar Rana, Sollidha, Simão Simões, Rita matos, Francisco Ferreira and Rudolfo, who graphically explore their relationship with the theme and also with the videos of Bruno Ferreira, in a dance casting performed in NYC, João Pedro Vale and Nuno Alexandre Ferreira, Carolina Pimenta, among many others. 

In large format and at human scale, these installations will be displayed alongside Club Culture's more DIY and spontaneous side, in parallel with a curated contemporary art by MAAT and a sample of the “Curiosity Cabinet” collected from some of the accompanying music videos the singles, each based on collaboration between unlikely agents or those placed in a discomfort zone.

 The exhibition will remain at the MAAT Open Day on October 5th.